Thursday, May 26, 2011

Open Season On Special Abilities

The character is less likely (relative to the other characters Obfuscation values) of being targeted by foe attacks. The statistic basically changes the target selection from a uniform distribution over the actors in a group to a weighting for each one that is 1/(1+Obfuscation). For example, in a party of two where one character has 0 Obfuscation and the other has Obfuscation +1, their weightings will be 1 and 1/2.
The modifier name is shamelessly borrowed from White Wolf's Vampire system. The Ninja gets this modifier out of the box.

This property gives the character a bonus to all the critical hit modifiers (melee, thrown, ranged) based on the amount of black magic present.
Again, this one goes to the Ninja.

Charmed Destiny
This property gives the character a bonus to Obfuscation, To-Run-Away and Resist Energy based on the amount of Purple magic present. The Gypsy gets it, her first really useful special ability. That's right, Gypsies are going to be aces at running away, and probably less likely than the Ninja to be targeted by foe attacks.
The modifier name is of course a nod at the show Charmed. Glad I finally managed to work a reference in.

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